Affiliated to University of Calcutta | NAAC Acrediated "B"
Main: 92, SP Mukherjee Road & Annex: 5B, R Dasgupta Road, Kolkata 700-026

College Rules & Regulations

Regular attendance in all courses is compulsory. According to Calcutta University regulations, every students has to put in at least 75% attendance in each subject in order to be eligible to appear for the final examination. The percentage of attendance is calculated on the basis of the actual classes taken. There will be no condonation on medical or other grounds. Students should carefully note their percentage of attendance and make up for the shortage, rather than regret at the end of the year.
Test & Exams :
All Internal Assessment and end semester examinations under the CBCS system shall be held as per the University of Calcutta rules and regulations.
Anti Ragging :
Any Student found involved in ragging either in the college premise or in the hostel will face immediate expulsion from the college as per order of Supreme Court.
Identity Card :
Once the admission fee is paid, each student will be given an Identity Card with his / her photographs affixed. It should be carried with them always and produced whenever demanded by any teacher or staff in the class, library, labortory, office or security personnel on the campus. Without the Identity Card no request will be entertained in the college office.