Affiliated to University of Calcutta | NAAC Acrediated "B"
Main: 92, SP Mukherjee Road & Annex: 5B, R Dasgupta Road, Kolkata 700-026

Student Union

As per college administrative norms and according to the Calcutta University statutes, Syamaprasad College has a democratically elected Students’ Union. The college Unioin provides a platform where students may talk freely and learn to work in close co-operation with the feeling of camaraderie. Constructive, positive academic development proposals & academic problems from Students’ Union are always welcome. Through their representative participation in Governing Body of the college they come to know what is participative management. The Students’ Union organises various cultural programmes & competitions – debate, drama, music, elocution, quiz contest etc. College Social, Freshers’ welcome, Annual Sports are organised by them in a befitting manner. They have a football team, a cricket team, a T.T. team also. It also publishes the annual college magazine in the name “Anwesha”. Indoor game facilities are available at the students’ Common Room. they arrange Blood Donation Camp also. So the activities of Students’ Union are numerous in our college and these are organised under the supervision of teachers. As a result mentormentee relationship is developed.